Today was awful. Every endeavor I set out to complete ended in failure. From helping someone with their mobile phone troubles, to simply pumping gas… everything was difficult. If I had known what the day was to be like, I may have stayed hidden in my bed.
I woke up from the best sleep of my life. After last night’s wretched nightmare I needed some serious rest. I slept so good that when I woke up I swear I think I forgot who I was. Honestly, I had to remember who I was, what my name is, and where on planet earth I live. Sometimes that is a pleasant sensation, but I’m still not quite sure how I felt about it today.
It took me far too long to get home after work because some crazy morons decided to riot in Hollywood. They police had to close down a street and wear their riot gear. It was ridiculous… and you know what the cause was? Well, from what I can tell, there was a film premiere and some DJ was supposed to play and he tweeted about it and thousands of people showed up. The police had to shut it down and people became irrationally angry. Apparently there were people setting fire to cop cars and being belligerent. Cops had to shoot people with beanbags or whatever for crowd control. It was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. There should be riots about things like inequality or gay marriage or inaccessible healthcare… not a fucking concert. People should fight the man for the appropriate reasons. I’m all for uprising and insurrection, but make sure it’s about something and something worthwhile.
Needless to say, today was a day I was not glad to be in LA. Today was a day that should be granted a “do-over.” Can I cash in one of those?
Today gets 0 Barbie Warhols (not even cupcakes or pizza could help): 0
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