Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 97

Today I started my day at the grocery store, and as I’m sure you all know, grocery stores everywhere now have Starbucks or Coffee Beans in them. So I’m in line to get my much-needed caffeine, and I notice the girl in front of me is a WRECK. She is wearing an oversized t-shirt, possibly without pants, and no shoes. I can’t tell if she’s in her underwear or wearing daisy dukes. Her hair in a mess, her glittery makeup is smeared to all hell and she’s with some random guy wearing Oakley sunglasses, a sure sign of douchebaggery. I couldn’t help but assume this was a walk of shame near the walk of fame.

We’re waiting in line (grocery cafes are soooo slow) and a security guard taps her on the shoulder and tells her she has to wear shoes. She doesn’t give him much guff, and then her and the dude leave – SCORE! I’m two steps closer to my much-needed coffee. I giggled a little on the inside, but mostly because I had never witnessed anyone actually enforce the “shirt and shoes required” rules.

She was a brunette and this led me to believe me that this may not happen to blondes. I always have shoes. I have too many shoes. I was stopped by the security guard be has asked me how my day was going and then asked me where I was from because, “you talk real pretty.” Hand to god, that’s how he put it. BLONDES: 1 BRUNETTES: 0

I kind of hate the term “walk of shame.” It implies that having sex is shameful and perpetuates the stereotypes that go along with it. I think that the walk of shame is also more of a label applied to women. Men don’t have shame, or at least according to or societal conventions. I, myself, as a blonde am perpetuating these stereotypes by implying that I have somehow “won” more points than brunettes. Do I apologize? Never. Do I recognize the contradictions in this post? Yes.

Today gets 4 Barbie Warhols (ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY WAS TODAY):

1 comment:

  1. I heard it referred to as "the stride of pride" before, and that made me chuckle :)

    P.S. I LOL'd when I read this sentence: "I couldn’t help but assume this was a walk of shame near the walk of fame."
