Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 78

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Today was a hectic day at work, but my hives have almost gone away. It was crazy busy, but I looked semi-fabulous doing everything I had to do, so I guess it’s a trade off. Other than being drop-dead exhausted, it was an okay day, not much to report. I did have trouble getting out of bed because of having taken the Benadryl the night before.

In between phone calls and hectic craziness at work, I couldn’t help but think about the double standard in the work place. Men get away with wearing whatever they want, really. Women have to be feminine, as to not threaten the men in the work place, but they also can’t be took girly or they won’t be taken seriously. I guess I’m expected to daintily weild a hammer, have elegant and legible handwriting, and wear a skirt only on days when I won’t have to climb a ladder or stand on a desk. I’m also supposed to be smart, pretty, and organized. I’m usually the first face people see when they come to our office, so I guess it’s important to look presentable. I was also told the other day, “{name} will be calling, she’s our {job title}, so be nice to her, okay?” This somewhat offended me because it’s not as though I am rude to people on the phone – or in real life for that matter – why would they say that to me? I’m hoping they were joking, because I’m actually really pleasant in the workplace. You wouldn’t know this, but it’s true.

If women are nice, people walk all over them. If women are ascertive, people call them bitches. It’s totally not fair. Men are allowed to be more than two things. They are allowed to be complicated. Women are either saints or whores. It’s not fair. I’m blonde, so I can’t be smart. I’m not skinny, so I must be fat. It’s all bull shit.

Today gets 2 Barbie Warhols:

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