Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 38

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I did not eat tacos today or drink Coronas or do shots of tequila. This is probably good for my diet, but god knows I love a good holiday. Any holiday is good for me. I like having a theme to my day (it helps me figure out what to wear). Cinco de Mayo is a wonderful excuse to dig out those sombreros and maxi peasant skirts. I did neither, which means that there may be something wrong with me.

On St. Patrick’s Day, I wear a lot of green and try to drink only Guinness and/or Jameson. At Halloween, I dress up even if I don’t go anywhere. I buy candy for trick-or-treaters despite the fact that I live in a gated apartment complex where I have never had a trick-or-treater. I end up eating it until Christmas (why can’t they make a bag of only strawberry Laffy Taffy?). During pretty much the entire month of December I become one of Santa’s elves. I bake cookies, wrap presents, deck the halls, and make the best holiday mixed CDs you’ll ever hear.

Granted, Cinco de Mayo is not a widely celebrated holiday, but I didn’t do anything. Some of my neighbors shouted obnoxiously at each other, but other than that, it was a normal day. It was a busy day.

Today gets 2 Barbie Warhols:

1 comment:

  1. cinco de-I-feel-like-crap-now mayo...It is officially time to DETOX...I give it 1 brunette barbie Warhol(if they exist?)...I am honestly more excited about the Kentucky Derby, now that I have google imaged the horses and picked my favorites based on cuteness and quality of name;). I wish I had a pillbox hat to wear whilst watching from my apartment and doing my best Eliza Dollitle impressions "Come on Dover,...Mover you bloomin arse!!".
