Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 63

(run, forrest, run)

I can’t believe I have (currently) 1641 page views. That means that on average, 26.5 people read my blog per day. I think I like the concept of people reading what I write, even if they think it’s drivel. I apparently have your attention. I’ll try not to bore you.

Today I was convinced was a terrible day. I felt like people were being uncooperative at work and just generally kind of lame. But it turned around. By the end of a long day, I felt better, but I was tired. Everyone seemed to really have a difficult time today. Long weekends are great in theory, but it kind of sucks to have your Tuesday be a Monday and you have to do 5 days worth of work in 4. It’s kind of a crock, right?

I came home to find that the mailman tried to deliver a package today. Normally this little peach piece of paper has a sender listed. This one just says “China.” I kind of laughed out loud. I’m sure it’s some random thing I bought on etsy that is being shipped from China, but I laughed. The entire country of China sent me a present. Is it a thank you gift for being a fan of dumplings and sesame chicken? I’m going to go with probably, but I’m sure it’s just because I’m blonde.

Forrest Gump is on TNT right now. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this movie, but it never seems to get old. It is the perfect balance of drama, comedy, and history, with fantastic characters. Great soundtrack too. I think this leads me to another philosophy on how to live my life. I will list it along with the others:

1. Live life to the BLONDEST. This means having fun, not taking yourself too seriously, and having a fondness for the color pink.

2. Live like you’re going to be dead by 30. This seems a little morbid, but if given the proper motivation, you can accomplish anything. Procrastination will be the lament of a dead man (I’m the wisest blonde I know, so you should probably write that gem down).

3. Be as much like my grandma as humanly possible. Wear comfortable clothes, don’t be afraid to tell people your opinion (even if it may be slightly offensive), and don’t take shit from anyone. Life is too short to put up with bullshit. And always moisturize and make sure you smell good.

4. Forrest Gump may not have been the sharpest tool in the box, but he was a versatile and useful one. To get places in life, you don’t necessarily have to be the best. You have to be ready to adapt and willing to take a risk. You don’t survive the Vietnam War or become a ping-pong champion without adapting or taking risks. Forest was blatantly honest and true to his friends. Sure he’s a fictional character, but I think we can all learn something from him – be true to who you are, no matter how much adversity you meet. People may call you names or underestimate you, but that’s their problem, not yours. And, you should probably invest in “some fruit company.”

Today gets 3 Barbie Warhols:

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