Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 54

Today I went to the Silverlake Jubilee with my friends K & C. For those of you who don’t know, Silverlake is the hipster capital of the world. It’s a sea of plaid shirts, leggings, boots, and wearing things ironically. I decided to wear my authentic vintage Princess Leia t-shirt. It’s pretty much been my favorite t-shirt since I bought it when I was with brother #1. I think I was maybe 5(?), so chances are he actually bought it. I think it was from Hecks – a store that has long since been out of business, but used to be next to one of the public swimming pools. I think I even saved the plastic hanger the t-shirt came on because I was that devoted to the cult of Star Wars. Anyway, to preserve this shirt, I try to only bust it out on special occasions. This shirt got so much attention; I think my boobs were jealous because everyone was checking out Carrie Fisher and not them. I got a lot of compliments and random people walking by and saying, “nice shirt!” It was a great day for Princess Leia.

Anyway, we went to see the band Lady Danville who my friend K is a huge fan of. I had never really gotten into them, but I think I totes dig their sound. Hot dudes harmonizing? What more could you want? I’m a fan.

It was definitely a colorful crowd. We saw Ashton Kutcher and Rumor Willis. They are both attractive people and you can kind of tell when someone is famous because they look like normal people, but more attractive. I’m not saying that that means I like them, I’m just saying that they are attractive. I saw a lot of interesting fashions. I saw a girl rocking two-tone jean shorts that were the ugliest things I’d ever seen. It looked like she was wearing white jean cut-offs with blue denim daisy dukes over them. HIDEOUS. There was a girl rocking baby doll socks with ballet flats and a skirt that was hiked up to her boobs so that you could nearly see her vagina.

The boots and high-waisted shorts were EVERYWHERE. I’m all about expressing yourself, but some people should look in the mirror before leaving the house, but I guess mirrors are sooooo mainstream.

There was also the awesomest old dude rocking out.

There was a creepy hooded killer looking down on the scene, selecting his next victim with care.

All in all it was a pretty amazing day. We found free parking. We saw the band we wanted to see. We ate hot dogs and funnel cake. We got some great jewelry and t-shirts. We got to see some hot, dirty hipsters. We win at life.

Today gets a very hipster 5 Barbie Warhols:


  1. Im so glad today got all 5 barbies!

    Call me crazy, but it's a 5 simply for seeing Ashton (clearly I just finished watching No Strings Attached and love loooking at him).

  2. Well, it was okay, but mostly it was strangers praising princess leia that made me really happy :-)
