Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 47

I got my hair done yesterday. I’m platinum blonde now and it feels fabulous. I went back to Aveda and met the sweetest hairdresser. She said I should do stand up, which is a great compliment in my book. I like making people laugh, but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.

Today was a lazy Saturday, but I went with my friend C to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. It was a lovely evening of snacking and watching a classic film in the presence of the dead. I don’t know what it is about cemeteries, but I’ve always liked them. They have always been great places to think. I think it’s because you’re not alone when you’re in a cemetery, but the people don’t bother you.

Watching a movie with the right audience can change your experience. We had a pretty good audience tonight. There was a full moon and I got a killer parking spot behind the mausoleum. C and I were totally VIP. I think it was because of the BLONDE, but it was probably luck, too.

The movie was better than I remember. Liz Taylor is fierce as Maggie the Cat and Paul Newman as Brick has always got me in a tizzy. I had forgotten how funny it is – especially Burl Ives as Big Daddy. I will forever associate Burl Ives with the voice of Sam the Snowman in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, so it kind of added an extra layer of humor when I imagined everything his character said being said by a snowman.

It’s events like these that make me enjoy living in LA. Something like this doesn’t really happen anywhere else. I know that if we tried to do this in my hometown, it would be considered sacrilege. Maybe it is, but whatevs.

Today gets 5 Barbie Warhols!


  1. let me know next time you go to Hollywood Forever- I've never been and I'd love love love to go! :)

  2. It's great! I'm not sure what's coming up next, but I will def let you know :-)
