Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 44

I have a cat. Her name is Gotham. I was going to name her “Batman” but I thought that would be confusing. “Bruce Wayne” was inappropriate because she’s a female cat. “Selena Kyle” was too on the nose. Thus, she is “Gotham” (I also considered Thackery Binx, but again, she’s a girl). Sometimes I call her “Go-go,” “stinker,” “boo-boo,” or “cat.” She’s all black with yellow-green eyes. She’s pretty much the best cat ever. She’s a real life LOL cat.

People who know me know that I’m kind of a cat lady. I just love my cat and she’s really entertaining. I don’t have a dozen of them in my one-bedroom apartment. I have one cat, but she’s more than enough for me. I had to put a baby lock on my refrigerator because she broke into it three times. Do you know what she ate? Sautéed spinach, pizza, and bread. I think the spinach was a mistake since it was her first time. She often plays fetch, but it’s usually at 2AM or 8AM. She watches TV with me. She sits in my chair at the kitchen table while I’m cooking, waiting to be served like a queen (this has never happened so you’d think she’d give up). She makes it impossible to wrap presents. She makes sewing very time-consuming. She steals my action figures. She chases drips in the shower. She insists on sleeping in my bed on the pillow above my head. I can’t break her of these habits; it’s who she is. I have an entire facebook album devoted to her. She will be 4 years old in a few months, but I’m pretty sure she will be a kitten forever.

This may sound crazy, but she’s been treating me differently since I’ve been blonde. She sleeps at the foot of my bed instead of the head. It’s really great waking up without a kitty paw in your face. She has actually been snuggling with me on the couch. She’s never in the history of the world wanted to sit next to me on the couch. She’s taken to sitting on the toilet when I’m in the shower. It’s like she loves me more now that I’m blonde. It could be all in my head or just a phase, but I think that she is a fan of blonde. Even four-legged creatures prefer blondes.

Today gets 3 Barbie Warhols:

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