Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 50

I met a new friend today. She’s a brunette, but I’m an equal opportunity friend-er. E and I met for coffee and then proceeded to go thrift store shopping. Considering I wasn’t really in the market for anything, I ended up buying stuff. I bought a cute wicker dresser that, naturally, would not fit in my car. We ended up bungee-ing it into the trunk of my car with a little help from some bums? I have no idea who they were; they were outside the nearby dollar store hocking CDs and offered to help. Well, they didn’t so much offer as just jumped in and hollered suggestions. It was pretty hilarious. I slipped them a fiver and drove 20 mph the entire way to my apartment. Did they help me because I was blonde? Or because I was a damsel in distress? I think they were bored, but I’ll say it was because I’m blonde.

E and I got it up the stairs and into my apartment without a hitch, but the cat assumed it was her new scratching post. I helped E with the file cabinet she bought and we called it a day. I really like going on adventures regardless of if it involves mountain climbing, thrift store shopping, or cattle wrangling. Most of my adventures involve cleaning up after the cat, making sure I don’t run out of chips and salsa, and discovering new ways to waste my time. Indiana Jones I am not (unless we’re talking retired Indiana Jones, although even he would probably still have more interesting adventures, but he’s fictional so it doesn’t really matter).

I tend to only buy second-hand furniture and then paint it or reupholster it, etc. I refuse to have a used bed or a used couch because I have a paralyzing fear of bed bugs and germs. Most other furniture you can clean and not worry about that stuff. It’s kind of been an obsession of mine since I painted my first dumpster chair. I was taking out the trash at my first job when I was 15. We shared a dumpster with an antique store and there was a chair sitting out by the dumpster with a broken back slat. I took it home with me and repaired it and painted it. It was mint green, with lime green sponge-painted on top with burgundy swirls. I ended up doing three chairs with various color schemes. I ended up selling all of them at a garage sale for $15. Considering I probably never paid more than $2 for each of them, that’s quite the profit. Today felt like the good old days.

Today gets 4 Barbie Warhols:

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