Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 12

I slept in today. Then we went out for K’s birthday. We went out in downtown LA. It’s one of those places that doesn’t have an actual sign. It just has a lion doorknocker. I got hit on twice and it was because of the blonde hair and…. Wait for it…. My black pork pie hat.

I was inspired by the 90s movies I’ve been watching, but mostly I’ve been influenced by Bridget Fonda in Singles. She rocks some great hats in that movie. Someone said I looked like I escaped from A Clockwork Orange, but you know, I think that’s probably a compliment, too.

My friend C was OBSESSED. She claims I’m the white girl she wants to be. That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me. She’s the black girl I want to be, so I guess it works out in perfect balance.

I saw a lot of familiar faces. It was great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. I got drunk and it was awesome. I stumbled home and left the partiers still partying. I felt great.

Tonight was the first real test drive of the blonde ‘do out on the town. I think it went well. I rocked my red spandex skirt. It was a great night, despite waking up alone.

I give today 5 Barbie Warhols:


  1. 5 barbies, holla!

    glad you had fun :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the blonde! The Dandy Barbie Warhols are brilliant. A blonde girl in a hat produces flirtation everytime! Keep the stories coming!
