Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 4

I got sick of the blonde and dyed it back red.

April Fools! I actually hate April Fool’s Day. Most of the jokes aren’t very nice. “I got into a heinous car accident… April Fools!” “Honey, I’m pregnant… April Fools!” Although it may have been slightly amusing that “Funny or Die” became “Friday or Die” because Rebecca Black took over (this is the first and most likely last time she will be mentioned on this blog. I am not taking sides in this issue). It was amusing, but I wouldn’t say that it’s funny.

Anyway, I ran some errands and got my car washed. I was actually kind of distraught because my Field of Dreams bumper sticker was missing (it should be noted that although it is a bumper sticker, I made it into a bumper magnet because I don’t like sticker residue when you inevitably remove it). But, the car wash guy found it! And I glued that magnets back on and I hope that all is right in the world. I kind of cherish all things Field of Dreams because I like the movie, I like the book the movie is based on, and I’ve actually been to the Field of Dreams in Iowa. Also, baseball season has officially started. People don’t know this about me, but I actually really like baseball, but I like it LIVE. Televised baseball is kind of like watching televised Broadway shows. You’d rather see it in the flesh.

I also really like baseball movies – Field of Dreams, The Sandlot, Rookie of the Year, The Natural, Bull Durham, Major League, etc. I think sports movies in general are usually pretty great, but I think I like baseball because it reminds me of summer vacation.

Anyway, I got my bumper sticker back.

And then I cleaned my apartment and freaked out the cat with the vacuum. And ordered pizza. It’s been a pretty great day. I give it 3 Barbie Warhols:

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