Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 28

I overslept today – the story of my life. I cleaned my apartment and my bestie from high school, M, came down to Hollywood with her bf. We wandered around a bit and came back to my apartment and played with Gotham. I walked them back over to Hollywood and Highland and I stopped in to 25 degrees. I ordered take out and had a drink while I waited. It was pretty great. I came back to the apartment and ate a bad-ass burger and some fries.

I actually worked out tonight, too. It’d been a while because I’ve been working. I watched “90210” and I’m watching Escape from New York, perhaps followed by Escape from L.A. I also made a wonderful to-do list.

I’m on the fence about to-do lists. Sometimes they are really useful – they keep you focused and there is definitely a sense of accomplishment when you cross stuff off. However, lists sometimes make me anxious because they seem daunting. Even if you take it one thing at a time, there are some days when you just cannot be productive. And if there is a list, you feel like a failure if you haven’t crossed anything off. Today I’m going to jam tomorrow and get a lot of stuff done. I say that every night and every morning I hit snooze until I just say, “Fuck it” and turn off the alarm and sleep till I feel like getting up. It’s a terrible habit, but who cares? I’ll be responsible later.

Today gets 3 Barbie Warhols:


  1. if you aren't working, why do you have an alarm going off?! that's half the beauty of being off :) :)

  2. If i didn't set some sort of alarm, I would never keep normal hours. 3pm - 3am or something.
