Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 8

According to my horoscope, today was potential my luckiest day of the year. Nothing super exciting happened, although I am employed at the moment, so perhaps I should count myself lucky. On the blonde front, my hair feels a little damaged. Not bad, but just a little dry or something. I invested in some dry shampoo so I don’t have to wash it everyday and therefore will not strip my hair of its natural oils. But I like washing my hair. It’s refreshing. And the dry shampoo I got smells a little like lemon Pinesol and has a nosel for exact application. I’m not a fan of either of those things. I think I need to get a spray so I can be done in 2 seconds (if I’m not going to wash my hair, why would I spend 15 minutes pretending to shampoo it?).

My neighbor is some sort of music recording person. He does this in his apartment. Randomly I’ll hear people singing through the walls (mostly him). I know he has a lot of recording equipment and instruments, so I know it’s not just him over there sing and dancing because he’s happy or something. Since I’ve gotten home this evening it’s been nothing but the bass line from “Tainted Love.” I think its “Tainted Love.” It could be “Stray Cat Strut.” I’m leaning towards “Tainted Love” (perhaps because it was in Coneheads, my favorite movie back in third grade) wonder if I’m right and if I could actually win on “Name that Tune.” I could go over there and ask him, but that’s creepy on multiple levels. That’s like me asking those crazy loud sex people across the way (in a different building, mind you, that’s how loud) if they really do enjoy sex that much, or if they’re trying to be obnoxious. My insane Romanian (this is an educated guess, one of the other neighbors told me once and I forget. I don’t talk to them because they hate me for some mysterious reason I’ve never quite cared to figure out) downstairs neighbors watch a lot of really crappy movies at an obscenely loud volume. I sometimes try to figure out what they are watching. They seem to watch “Glee” religiously. I also think they were watching Herbie: Fully Loaded the other day. Sometimes I get proud of them when I hear them watching good things – like Harry Potter. Right now, they are watching Gladiator. So, good for them. I’m now going to crank the volume on my TV so I don’t have to hear any of my neighbors.

Anyway, I think that perhaps today was a lucky day. Perhaps things were set in motion today that will have lasting effects on my future. Perhaps Publisher’s Clearinghouse will magically show up at my door and give me money (Shit, I won’t be home. What happens then? Do they call me? Come back later? Leave a slip like the mailman? Do they even still give away money? I’m pretty sure everyone is broke. Do people still mail those things in or is there a way to enter online? Or did this all stop when the internet was invented?) I tend to not put much stock in horoscopes, but today’s was so good. I’m wondering if tomorrow could be my luckiest day of the year. How accurate can the alignment of the planets be? Do horoscope writers do math to calculate the proper angles of the planets to see which days stuff is supposed to happen? I kind of doubt that psychic horoscope writers get out their protractors or anything. But that’s me making assumptions. Maybe they do. I want to believe my April will be as banging as they say.

Today gets 4 Barbie Warhols:

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