Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 24

I was up at 5am to be on set at 6:30am. It’s not exactly the best concept for a morning, but I like to wake up and lay in bed for a little bit. So, I purposely set my alarm earlier than necessary; this allows me to lie in bed and hit snooze. I don’t really want to talk about what exactly I do, because it’s honestly not that interesting and I’m not sure of the legal parameters of talking about my job. I tend to sign confidentiality agreements, so I think blogging about industry secrets might be a no-no. But I can tell you this: I’m a hooker and on-set drug distributor.

Just kidding. Just because I’m blonde doesn’t mean I’m slutty and shady. I could keep riffing on this for a while, but I think those jokes fall flat when you’re reading them. So I’ll skip forward. I chipped my awesome hot pink nail polish in a totes major way. I know you will be relieved to know that I did my nails the second I got home to remedy this situation. I like to take pride in my nail polish application and color selection. I’m still feeling the Barbie phase, so I’m hot pink.

I had fun at work today because I was working with people who I’ve gotten to know better. I’ve worked with them a little before and we have a rapport now so it makes the work go faster. I also think that these days I tend to play things fast and loose which makes me more fun. I probably made about 80 too many inappropriate jokes, but I don’t remember signing any sexual harassment forms, so I’m pretty sure I’m in the clear. I mean, calling someone a “vagina” in the work place isn’t a bad thing, right? That’s like calling them the birthplace of the human race. It’s a compliment.

Obama was in LA today for some fundraisers or something. People are pretty pissed that he caused so much traffic. I don’t really understand why he can’t take a helicopter around town, but I’m not in the Secret Service so I can’t make that call. Getting angry about things you have no control over is pretty useless. You can get mad, but you have to eventually let it go and move on because to hold on to it just isn’t productive. See, sometimes I can be deep and stuff.

I came home, ordered a pizza, watched “The Vampire Diaries” and the rest of my Thursday night “must-see TV” (I’m pretty sure no one has called it that since the 90s). I’m drinking some Jameson and might write all night. Or watch movies. Or take a shower and go to bed. I have no idea which way things will go. I’ve been conscious for over 18 consecutive hours - which is probably some sort of record for me.

Today gets 5 Barbie Warhols because I laughed a lot: